The social distance required to contain the coronavirus and COVID-19 offers some serious challenges for relationships. Confinement can affect the relationship in several ways. So we have put together some advice to help your marriage get through the pandemic without major damage.
Communication is essential to maintaining a good relationship. This goes for both normal life and life in the pandemic. For some couples, it may be necessary to hold meetings from time to time so that the two are aware of what is going on. For others, it may be something more subtle, like checking daily how everyone is feeling, both emotionally and physically. We often have different perspectives on life, which causes different ideas and disagreements between the couple. Communication is the only way to deal with this.
Tips to taking care of your marriage while in quarantine
With corporate orders for employees to work from home, as well as social distancing measures imposed by governments, couples spend a lot of time confined at home. For families living in small houses, this can limit (or extinguish) each individual’s personal space.
Alone time
Spending time alone every now and then is important and will help your marriage to get through the pandemic. In some tense situations, being alone thinking or listening to music is the best solution.
Create new routines
Social distancing is something new for everyone and we are still adapting. Besides, each day we receive new news about the coronavirus and the pandemic, giving the feeling of unpredictability. Therefore, it is important to create new habits and routines to give meaning and purpose to life. Assign roles to each person, and decide together who does each chore in the house.
Don’t push for sex
Perhaps you will notice that the couple’s sexual desire in the pandemic falls short of normal. That’s because stress lowers libido a lot, sometimes around 85% for some people. On the other hand, if you are in the group of 15% of people who do not have sexual interest changed by stress, know that perhaps your partner may be in the opposite situation. Dealing with the situation inappropriately can hurt both with rejection and guilt.
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Final notes on marriage in times of COVID-19
It is important to find out if the couple needs help. Even people in perfect relationships before the pandemic may have been affected and must now seek support to recover. Be sure to consider this advice, it can help your marriage get through the pandemic without any major problems.